Thursday, September 13, 2012

Be built on the solid rock.

Hello readers!

So I started studying Matthew 7 this morning, and wow! What a packed chapter it is!

It begins with talking about not judging others, which we hear all the time; however what spoke to me was that it also talks about how we shouldn't judge at all. Mind blowing, right? (kidding)

Not judging at ALL, includes not judging OURSELVES.
-We can all just admit it, we're our own harshest critics.
-More than half the things we are criticized for in life, in fact, the vast majority I would venture to say, are only things we are being criticized for INSIDE OUR OWN HEADS.

The devil will try and get at us in our minds, it's truly a battlefield. And if we don't "take EVERY thought into captivity" (2 Cor 10:5) then they have the ability to start forming lies into our heads!
p.s. if you're struggling with this, there is an AMAZING book by Joyce Meyer that deals with this titled "The Battlefield of the Mind" <-- click there for the link.

(pic from h2osermonsource)
John 10:10 states that "The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come to give you LIFE, and LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY!" - said by Jesus.

Jesus wants us to walk like we're the greatest gift to God's earth. Now, I don't mean that you should go walking around telling people that, or acting prideful or egotistical, but you SHOULD wake up every morning thinking "wow, I'm HOT." No sarcasm there.

God wouldn't have created us if He didn't have a plan and purpose for our life, so who are we to judge His divine creation? Who are WE to deny the fact that He has given us unique gifts and elements of our personality that He DESIGNED to be the ways they are? What do we really even know? We go to school to learn things; certainly we don't already know everything, and that includes what to think about ourselves.

I am so lucky to live with an extremely encouraging roommate this year who builds me up and makes me feel so good about myself, it makes me want to encourage others. Take a leap of faith and encourage someone today, you'll be surprised how happy and beautiful it makes you feel to bless someone else! A genuine smile is one of my favorite things.

This leads into another section Matthew 7 discusses, about good and bad fruit.
(picture from blogelevationfit)

It is impossible for a bad tree to produce good fruit, and visa versa.
I have read this a thousand times, but it particularly stuck out to me recently because in my own life I have had recent conversations with people and have had to look at my own life in regards to who surrounds me.
I not only want to produce GOOD fruit (kindness, longsuffering, gentleness, self control, patience, love, joy, peace etc. "fruits of the spirit") but I also don't want to be surrounded by or associated with bad fruit.
I mean, we've all heard "Bad company corrupts good character" (1 Corinthians 15:33) but have you ever really thought about it?

Now, I'm absolutely NOT saying that Christians shouldn't hang out with nonbelievers, or visa versa, but think about the people in your life. How do they make you feel when you're around them?
-Are you around more people that build you up or tear you down?
-Do you have to have a guard up when you're around your closest "friends", weary that you may say something bad and living in fear that at any moment they may lash out at you for no particular reason?

-- If so, you may want to reorganize the amount of time you spend with each close person in your life. It's okay to find new friends or make new ones.
--When those "bad fruit-filled people" realize that the people they're used to taking advantage of or just using as a wet blanket finally walk away from them or take a stand, they'll change their ways.  Even if they don't, that's NOT your care to bare!.

                   And lastly, I read about the importance of being built on the solid Rock.
(picture from

-Jesus + the Word (which are synonymous (John 1:1)) is your SOLID ROCK, YOUR FOUNDATION.
-We have to be built up and constantly communing with Jesus so that when the storms of life come, the things that SHOULD be our foundation don't pass away.

I wrote this quote this morning:
"We must be SOLIDIFIED in the WORD of God so that when the waves come, we aren't washed away along with the things that we WANT to be immovable, and foundational in our lives."
(picture from Ewtnreligiouscatalogue

Without us working out of the overflow of Christ, we will never have enough to glean from when those storms come. On the other hand, when we make a constant deposit into our spirits with the Word of God, we have that reserve to use when we need it and go through hardships. Or any time!!

So go read Matthew 7 with these things in mind, it'll make your day!

Love you all!

Megs. <3

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Update upon popular demand.

So I have been so extremely blessed lately to find out that so many people are reading my blog! What a treat! Thank you!
I have always had a passion for writing and encouraging others through my experiences in life, so hey, if that can ever bless someone else, what better way to spread ministry?

Anyways, this blog post is going to be about a few exciting, and a few not-so-exciting updates in my life right now.  Don't worry, I have a positive spin for all the not-so-exciting updates!

It's actually a blog (video log) to the women's groups at home who regularly check up on me and love on me and send me encouraging messages, emails, and text.  I feel their prayers every day and I miss them all along with everyone else back home VERY MUCH!!!

So enjoy! If you have any further inquiries of what's going on here I'd love to answer you! :)

Love, <3
