Well today's date has a bunch of 2's in it, that's kinda cool. :D 2/22/12.
-So I woke up today, feeling tired. Had an Aural Skills 3 hearing at 8:30am, and wasn't too thrilled considering I... didn't study at all.
-I prayed that God would work through me and bring back all the stuff we'd practiced in class, looked at my notes a bit, asked my professor a couple questions, and knocked it out. I think I deserve an A, but we'll see! :)
-9am: Usually I have a class called "The Music of Literature". Honestly... we've done little but analyze poetry, but that's fine with me because it's super easy and I love poetry! (*Cough*, it's like song lyrics...)
-anyway, so I went to "class" and... all the lights were off with no one inside. *Doh!* forgot there wasn't class today. But instead of moping about anything, I turned a smile on, rejoicing that I had just gained an hour of "do whatever I wanted time!"
-9:15am: I proceeded to the Beaman (Athletic Center where a lot of people workout, study, get food, etc.) after grabbing and cramming into my backpack what seemed like my entire dorm.
-Bulging backpack on back, with the added bonus of my classic "Megan breakfast shake", Bible, other Bible, and devotional, I slightly resembled a small camel.
-Ok I'm exaggerating, but truthfully a 3rd arm would have been useful.
-9:30am I park it in the Beaman. Now, one must understand, the Beaman is kind of the half way point where people go when you WANT to get stuff done, but aren't committed enough to going to the Library where you can't talk and REALLY have to buckle down. This is exactly the mood I was in. :D
Ding, yae.
-So I spread out my smörgasbord of stuff out onto my table and begin to ponder what I'm actually planning on getting done, and who I'm probably going to see strollin' through as I naturally people watch whoever goes by. (Hey, I'm tall, it's what we do)
-I decide, after checking and responding to all necessary emails, that I'm going to take this precious extra time to devote to the best thing I could, JESUS. And lemme tell youuuu. That was a great decision!
-It's so funny when I sit down to have real Jesus time, I love to go all out. So I'm sitting there, reading my devotional which I had already read once earlier, writing notes like a madwoman because like every line is speaking to me (we all have those days, everything is profound... haha, the greatest!) WHILE listening to a sermon my pastor gave a few weeks back.
-So A) My spirit is like WOW slurp slurp slurp while B) I'm trying to write down what's resonating in my heart from 1) My devotional and 2) the sermon. I end up having to turn the sermon off til I get through the devotional haha. Then continue to write my notes from the sermon.
-If there ever was a hashtag for christiangirlproblemsthataren'treallyproblems... it'd be that. bahaha.
So THAT all happened before 10am.
Then... at 10am, I started highlighting away at my old testament homework, after... ok I lied like 10:20am... I was distracted by facebook for a bit, but in my defense I was coordinating accompanists for my voice seminar next week, which I'm pumped about. (Be prepared for a video coming next week!) (Here is the link to the song I'm doin)
-It's hard not to get frustrated with Belmont's religion curriculum, and I honestly could never major in it here. Not to bash it, but I just can't stand how each book, and version of the Bible they make us read comes from and is taught from what they call a "purely academic standpoint", with no "religion" in it.
Now... let's think about that statement.
You're teaching the Bible... with no "religious" anything in it? That's... IMPOSSIBLE. And so... backwards! Haha. What's the point of teaching it then?!
-I totally understand not everyone's a Christian and of course I accept that but... if I weren't a Christian and I was going to THIS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL taking one of their Bible classes, it wouldn't make me want to be a Christian at ALL with how they teach it!
-I think they should definitely be able to have a Christian "spin" if you will on the subject matter taught. -It does NOT mean shoving it down ANYONES throats, but there's a balance between teaching it still as fact, and forcing it on someone!!
-It's so sad! I know I'm not the only one who thinks this.
Ok. Done with that rant.
Then I had class at 11, lunch at 12, class at 1, 2, and from 3-5. Then I had dinner with a bunch of the best friends who always make my day, went back to my dorm and have no idea what happened but I killed 30 min.
Then 6:30 came and it was time for INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL! Woooo!
Representing my sorority, AST, we prepared for the "Game of the Week" verse our "rivals" (kinda... we still love them) Phi Mu.
-We ended up winning 46-5, I scored prob... 20-25 points? Idk it doesn't matter, what matters is we played AMAZINGLY as a team, as sisters, and really bonded together for NEVER having practiced... EVER. haha.
-I think EVERYONE on the team scored too, and often which is amazing! Lexie and Lara KILLED it on the rebounds and layups, Taylor thank GOD served as our ball handler which we so LACKED last time we played (it was awful with just us big folk, haha). Monica played AMAZING Defense as did Jaime, and Jaime got some great shots up too. And of COURSE, Emily (Mom) played great D too, hustled her butt off, and her new shoes (which are FANTASTIC and blue) brought us good luck.
-It was really great for the seniors to experience such victory for their last ever Greek to Greek intramural game! I seriously was so proud to lead a team of girls like this even if it was just intramurals.
-God is good! And now we have braggin rights for the next year, hehe. :D
In closing... haha wow I feel like I just typed a sermon/long speech... thanks for reading if you made it to here, haha!
Romans 8:1 (also through vs 8) Really spoke to me today.
-There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus,[a] who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, 4 that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. 5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 6 For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. 7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God, nor indeed can be. 8 So then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
I've been solidly holding fast to the Lord and He always rewards!
Thanks for reading!!!
Megs. :)
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
The Truth about Valentine's Day... in my opinion.
Valentines Day. (A.K.A. Single's Awareness Day)
First of all, I'd like to note that this blog post is not, yes I said NOT going to be me, someone who is single, complaining about Valentine's Day. You can get enough of that on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or whatever social media site you choose to explore on said day.
So you should be smiling right now. :)
There we go! :)
Ok. So anyways. Second point. Single's Awareness Day (for those of you who still don't get this... it's also on the 14th... and no, it's not a real day, technically) and ironically, unfortunately, and hilariously (to me) the day comes out to an acronym of S.A.D.
-bahaha. funny.
3rd of all, being single REALLY isn't that bad. Yeah there are going to be boys who buy girls flowers, who give girls chocolate, and who take them out on dates, but guess what? Your day will come too.
Here are my 10 tips and positives about being single and enjoying your day on Valentine's Day:
1. There are also a lot of people, male and female who will have a terrible Valentine's Day even WHILE dating someone. When you're single, you don't get your hopes up only to be disappointed if everything doesn't go smoothly and perfectly.
2. It's a great day to hang out with your favorite friends who are also single, and spend some great time together.
-Who knows, maybe this will be the night you realize you have "the hots" for your best guy/girl friend who you'd just never thought of in that way before.
-Movie night with ice cream and Rom Coms? I don't care if you're a guy. Movies and food is always a good idea.
3. Hanging out with other people who are single on this day will make you realize you're totally not alone.
-There are almost 7 BILLION people on this Earth.
-You're not the only person who is single, and sorry but moping isn't going to make you any less-single. So be happy!
4. Dress up.
-If you're thinking about complaining about Valentine's Day, don't start off your day in sweatpants and a t-shirt. It will
A) Make you feel even worse about being single,
B) Make you feel like a slob, and
C) It's also most likely not going to make "the one" notice you if you're in a pile of mope and look like a hot mess.
*honest truth* *tough love* *sorryI'mnotsorry* :)
5. Stay positive.
-Wake up in the morning, and stare yourself down in the mirror while repeating "Goodmorning gorgeous/hot stuff/beautiful/winner" or something else that will make you feel good about yourself.
-The spoken word is way more powerful than most people think, and what you say is what you will believe.
-Repeat it for like 30 seconds and I guarantee it will lift your spirits! You'll start to believe it and be happier, even if it's the result of you literally laughing your head off at yourself because you think you look and sound ridiculous.
6. Workout.
-Working out makes endorphins that make you happy!
-Grab another single buddy and hit the gym or go for a nice walk outside!
-Working out is proven to make you feel better about yourself, put you in a better mood, and also makes you crave unhealthy food less!
7. Have a deep conversation with someone
-Of course don't force one, but don't be afraid to get to know someone's life a little more.
-Pouring into someone else's "bucket" can really minister to someone, especially when they might be feeling what you're feeling.
-Listening can sometimes be the best thing you can do for someone.
8. Say hi to someone new!
-I don't know about you, but my school has around 6,400 students, and I don't know over half of them. Partly, this is because I'm a freshman, but partly, it's because people of the opposite gender intimidate me a lot.
-Whenever I tell someone this they're usually shocked because "a beautiful 6 foot tall girl shouldn't be afraid of anyone", but there you have it world, boys terrify me sometimes. Yep, even me.
-Example: Today I wanted to ask someone in the caf a question that was completely random but that I legitimately wanted to know the answer to, and just because they were attractive, I couldn't even muster up the courage to say hi.
-DO IT. Think about if it happened to you, especially on Valentine's Day. No matter who it was, if someone was really nice to you and just smiled and said hi, you'd love it, and it'd make your day way better. Think about it.
9. Accomplish something you've been putting off.
-To take your mind off "the tragedy" of being single (which it's not) get the thing done that you've been telling yourself you're going to do for a while.
-Whether it's laundry, cleaning, or that awful paper, doing it will keep your mind on that and off whatever may be bothering you.
-Afterward, you'll feel totally great and accomplished!
10. Lastly, and most importantly, know that you're worth it.
(click here for an AMAZING video pertaining to this subject made by my friend Josh. He's an AMAZING 18 year old with a HUGE passion and love for people.)
-Everyone on this Earth is created with purpose, on purpose, for a purpose, and by everyone I mean you, reading this right now.
-Take this time to figure out what your goals, your dreams, your plans, and His plan may be for you.
-What is first in your life? Is your life being prioritized by things that actually matter?
-God's got HUGE plans for your life and has created you to be happy and have the joy that He's graciously given you to experience in every moment of your life!
-He created you to eventually find the perfect person for you, but until then why worry!
-You don't want to search and search only to get your heart broken multiple times by the wrong guy/girl do you? I certainly don't.
-Just know that just like YOU'VE been waiting YOUR WHOLE LIFE for Him/Her, THEY have been waiting for YOU. That blew my mind the first time I thought of that.
-So honor your future spouse by waiting patiently for them, because it will be totally worth it in the end.
Again, watch this video here, it'll be worth it.
Megan :)
First of all, I'd like to note that this blog post is not, yes I said NOT going to be me, someone who is single, complaining about Valentine's Day. You can get enough of that on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, or whatever social media site you choose to explore on said day.
So you should be smiling right now. :)
There we go! :)
Ok. So anyways. Second point. Single's Awareness Day (for those of you who still don't get this... it's also on the 14th... and no, it's not a real day, technically) and ironically, unfortunately, and hilariously (to me) the day comes out to an acronym of S.A.D.
-bahaha. funny.
3rd of all, being single REALLY isn't that bad. Yeah there are going to be boys who buy girls flowers, who give girls chocolate, and who take them out on dates, but guess what? Your day will come too.
Here are my 10 tips and positives about being single and enjoying your day on Valentine's Day:
1. There are also a lot of people, male and female who will have a terrible Valentine's Day even WHILE dating someone. When you're single, you don't get your hopes up only to be disappointed if everything doesn't go smoothly and perfectly.
2. It's a great day to hang out with your favorite friends who are also single, and spend some great time together.
-Who knows, maybe this will be the night you realize you have "the hots" for your best guy/girl friend who you'd just never thought of in that way before.
-Movie night with ice cream and Rom Coms? I don't care if you're a guy. Movies and food is always a good idea.
3. Hanging out with other people who are single on this day will make you realize you're totally not alone.
-There are almost 7 BILLION people on this Earth.
-You're not the only person who is single, and sorry but moping isn't going to make you any less-single. So be happy!
4. Dress up.
-If you're thinking about complaining about Valentine's Day, don't start off your day in sweatpants and a t-shirt. It will
A) Make you feel even worse about being single,
B) Make you feel like a slob, and
C) It's also most likely not going to make "the one" notice you if you're in a pile of mope and look like a hot mess.
*honest truth* *tough love* *sorryI'mnotsorry* :)
5. Stay positive.
-Wake up in the morning, and stare yourself down in the mirror while repeating "Goodmorning gorgeous/hot stuff/beautiful/winner" or something else that will make you feel good about yourself.
-The spoken word is way more powerful than most people think, and what you say is what you will believe.
-Repeat it for like 30 seconds and I guarantee it will lift your spirits! You'll start to believe it and be happier, even if it's the result of you literally laughing your head off at yourself because you think you look and sound ridiculous.
6. Workout.
-Working out makes endorphins that make you happy!
-Grab another single buddy and hit the gym or go for a nice walk outside!
-Working out is proven to make you feel better about yourself, put you in a better mood, and also makes you crave unhealthy food less!
7. Have a deep conversation with someone
-Of course don't force one, but don't be afraid to get to know someone's life a little more.
-Pouring into someone else's "bucket" can really minister to someone, especially when they might be feeling what you're feeling.
-Listening can sometimes be the best thing you can do for someone.
8. Say hi to someone new!
-I don't know about you, but my school has around 6,400 students, and I don't know over half of them. Partly, this is because I'm a freshman, but partly, it's because people of the opposite gender intimidate me a lot.
-Whenever I tell someone this they're usually shocked because "a beautiful 6 foot tall girl shouldn't be afraid of anyone", but there you have it world, boys terrify me sometimes. Yep, even me.
-Example: Today I wanted to ask someone in the caf a question that was completely random but that I legitimately wanted to know the answer to, and just because they were attractive, I couldn't even muster up the courage to say hi.
-DO IT. Think about if it happened to you, especially on Valentine's Day. No matter who it was, if someone was really nice to you and just smiled and said hi, you'd love it, and it'd make your day way better. Think about it.
9. Accomplish something you've been putting off.
-To take your mind off "the tragedy" of being single (which it's not) get the thing done that you've been telling yourself you're going to do for a while.
-Whether it's laundry, cleaning, or that awful paper, doing it will keep your mind on that and off whatever may be bothering you.
-Afterward, you'll feel totally great and accomplished!
10. Lastly, and most importantly, know that you're worth it.
(click here for an AMAZING video pertaining to this subject made by my friend Josh. He's an AMAZING 18 year old with a HUGE passion and love for people.)
-Everyone on this Earth is created with purpose, on purpose, for a purpose, and by everyone I mean you, reading this right now.
-Take this time to figure out what your goals, your dreams, your plans, and His plan may be for you.
-What is first in your life? Is your life being prioritized by things that actually matter?
-God's got HUGE plans for your life and has created you to be happy and have the joy that He's graciously given you to experience in every moment of your life!
-He created you to eventually find the perfect person for you, but until then why worry!
-You don't want to search and search only to get your heart broken multiple times by the wrong guy/girl do you? I certainly don't.
-Just know that just like YOU'VE been waiting YOUR WHOLE LIFE for Him/Her, THEY have been waiting for YOU. That blew my mind the first time I thought of that.
-So honor your future spouse by waiting patiently for them, because it will be totally worth it in the end.
Again, watch this video here, it'll be worth it.
Megan :)
Monday, February 6, 2012
Think on these things.
Proverbs 4:8 states that we should "think on things that are true, lovely, pure, honest, and of good report."
Today really challenged me regarding this verse.
You see, for years on end I've dealt with body image issues, having been involved in almost every industry possible that is all about how you present yourself, aka looks.
Pastor James at Bethel (click the word Bethel for the media/video download) today talked about resisting temptation, which ties into lots of things that aren't just sensually based. We can be addicted, and tempted by food as well, which is where I've struggled. Food addiction is as serious as any other kind of addiction, because it can have serious repercussions on your life if not dealt with in a healthy, proper way.
You see, I work out 5-6 days a week and just by looking at me you would never in a million years think that I'd been going through this. I know this, and yet the problem has remained.
Food addiction happens when we put something above God and give IT first place in our lives.
-It's truly an amazing thing to realize when you lay it all out on the table, because I didn't see it for what it was for so long.
-In the Bible, it says that just ONE BIT of LIGHT outshines ALL darkness, and that darkness literally FLEES from anything that is light, aka anything of Satan FLEES from the things of God when we put them to use.
-Therefore, we are to use the Word of the Lord as our Ephesians 6 shield, sword, helmet, breastplate, belt, and shoes to equip us for the battle that Satan tries to bring upon us.
-God will NEVER allow us to be put in a situation we cannot handle. And we only get into these situations because there is nasty, icky, awful SIN in this world and Satan likes to torment those who seek Good.
So what I am learning, is 2 things:
1) I should consider myself BLESSED (which I should do besides just for this reason) because Satan has chosen ME to pick on so harshly, telling me I'm fat and ugly every morning I wake up from the MINUTE I OPEN MY EYES because that means that I am a THREAT to him. It means that I am pursuing RIGHTEOUSNESS with Jesus to find my ONE PATH that God had crafted for me since the beginning of time. I consider myself LUCKY because the Bible says that we are to REJOICE in our weakness because HE HAS MADE US STRONG! No ifs, no ands no buts, He HAS, it is DONE, and who are we to think that OUR situation is so unique, and so different that it's above what God can do?
- I certainly know that I've thought this! I've whined and complained and gone back and forth letting the little stupid devil in my mind to talk to me tryin' to undo what the Word says about me.
-This is why it is SO important that we STAY STEADFAST IN THE WORD OF GOD! Every. Single. Day.
-Because if we are not PROGRESSING, we are REGRESSING, and idk about you but I don't want satan to have any power over anything regarding me, which he only can if I let him.
-The Word is literally spiritual food to our spirits. When we build up our faith through reading the Word of the Almighty God, we are strengthening the walls of our mind to combat the WAR that goes on inside of us where Satan tries to tear us down.
-Ever heard "You're your own worst critic"? Well, that's because it's true. Satan tries to speak to YOU, in your OWN MIND, and ONLY YOU.
-Philipians 4:13
ALL THINGS. Your situation is NOT exempt.
-2 Cor 1:20
So don't fret, don't worry, and get PUMPED because He can do ALL things! Nothing that is a desire of your heart is too big! God wants to heal you! He's given His blessings to us we just have to receive and believe! With God all things are possible! (Matthew 19:26)
2) There is a way out. There really is.
What I've been doing is making sure that each and every day, I wake up, look myself in the mirror and say "Hello beautiful."
-Now, you may think this sounds awful crazy but it's speaking God's word over yourself without even knowing it.
-God created us in His OWN IMAGE AND OWN LIKENESS (Genesis 1:27). Do you really think God is ugly? NO! So neither are you. HE LIKES YOU! ^^
Also what I do is I stand and look myself directly in the eye and say "The joy of the Lord is my strength, my song, and my salvation." Sometimes I say it over again until I start to believe it. Again this may sound crazy but when you speak LIFE over yourself like we're meant to do, your body aligns with what you tell it to! What a concept! (Just like the Bible says)
On the contrary, this is why your body reacts negatively as well.
Thoughts become words, which become actions. Everything is connected and if we don't take thoughts captive the SECOND they come into our mind, it gets harder and harder to shield them off. So build up your "shield of faith" (Ephesians 6) by pressing into the word, and speaking life over yourself straight looking into your own eyes until you really start to believe it. It may be hard to believe but it will work!
I even speak over my metabolism.
-I pray "Lord, thank You that I am going to portion control today. Food is NOT my god nor does it control my thoughts. I thank You Father that my metabolism for the rest of my days here on earth is working faster and faster each day, burning up everything that I eat and more. I do not fret or worry about food, nor does it consume my mind. I give my thoughts to You Jesus and think on things that are lovely, true, honest, pure, and of a good report!
I hope this blesses y'all! I love how God can work in any arena in anyone's lives! Even food!
Megan :)
Today really challenged me regarding this verse.
You see, for years on end I've dealt with body image issues, having been involved in almost every industry possible that is all about how you present yourself, aka looks.
Pastor James at Bethel (click the word Bethel for the media/video download) today talked about resisting temptation, which ties into lots of things that aren't just sensually based. We can be addicted, and tempted by food as well, which is where I've struggled. Food addiction is as serious as any other kind of addiction, because it can have serious repercussions on your life if not dealt with in a healthy, proper way.
You see, I work out 5-6 days a week and just by looking at me you would never in a million years think that I'd been going through this. I know this, and yet the problem has remained.
Food addiction happens when we put something above God and give IT first place in our lives.
-It's truly an amazing thing to realize when you lay it all out on the table, because I didn't see it for what it was for so long.
-In the Bible, it says that just ONE BIT of LIGHT outshines ALL darkness, and that darkness literally FLEES from anything that is light, aka anything of Satan FLEES from the things of God when we put them to use.
-Therefore, we are to use the Word of the Lord as our Ephesians 6 shield, sword, helmet, breastplate, belt, and shoes to equip us for the battle that Satan tries to bring upon us.
-God will NEVER allow us to be put in a situation we cannot handle. And we only get into these situations because there is nasty, icky, awful SIN in this world and Satan likes to torment those who seek Good.
So what I am learning, is 2 things:
1) I should consider myself BLESSED (which I should do besides just for this reason) because Satan has chosen ME to pick on so harshly, telling me I'm fat and ugly every morning I wake up from the MINUTE I OPEN MY EYES because that means that I am a THREAT to him. It means that I am pursuing RIGHTEOUSNESS with Jesus to find my ONE PATH that God had crafted for me since the beginning of time. I consider myself LUCKY because the Bible says that we are to REJOICE in our weakness because HE HAS MADE US STRONG! No ifs, no ands no buts, He HAS, it is DONE, and who are we to think that OUR situation is so unique, and so different that it's above what God can do?
- I certainly know that I've thought this! I've whined and complained and gone back and forth letting the little stupid devil in my mind to talk to me tryin' to undo what the Word says about me.
-This is why it is SO important that we STAY STEADFAST IN THE WORD OF GOD! Every. Single. Day.
-Because if we are not PROGRESSING, we are REGRESSING, and idk about you but I don't want satan to have any power over anything regarding me, which he only can if I let him.
-The Word is literally spiritual food to our spirits. When we build up our faith through reading the Word of the Almighty God, we are strengthening the walls of our mind to combat the WAR that goes on inside of us where Satan tries to tear us down.
-Ever heard "You're your own worst critic"? Well, that's because it's true. Satan tries to speak to YOU, in your OWN MIND, and ONLY YOU.
-Philipians 4:13
ALL THINGS. Your situation is NOT exempt.
-2 Cor 1:20
So don't fret, don't worry, and get PUMPED because He can do ALL things! Nothing that is a desire of your heart is too big! God wants to heal you! He's given His blessings to us we just have to receive and believe! With God all things are possible! (Matthew 19:26)
2) There is a way out. There really is.
What I've been doing is making sure that each and every day, I wake up, look myself in the mirror and say "Hello beautiful."
-Now, you may think this sounds awful crazy but it's speaking God's word over yourself without even knowing it.
-God created us in His OWN IMAGE AND OWN LIKENESS (Genesis 1:27). Do you really think God is ugly? NO! So neither are you. HE LIKES YOU! ^^
Also what I do is I stand and look myself directly in the eye and say "The joy of the Lord is my strength, my song, and my salvation." Sometimes I say it over again until I start to believe it. Again this may sound crazy but when you speak LIFE over yourself like we're meant to do, your body aligns with what you tell it to! What a concept! (Just like the Bible says)
On the contrary, this is why your body reacts negatively as well.
Thoughts become words, which become actions. Everything is connected and if we don't take thoughts captive the SECOND they come into our mind, it gets harder and harder to shield them off. So build up your "shield of faith" (Ephesians 6) by pressing into the word, and speaking life over yourself straight looking into your own eyes until you really start to believe it. It may be hard to believe but it will work!
I even speak over my metabolism.
-I pray "Lord, thank You that I am going to portion control today. Food is NOT my god nor does it control my thoughts. I thank You Father that my metabolism for the rest of my days here on earth is working faster and faster each day, burning up everything that I eat and more. I do not fret or worry about food, nor does it consume my mind. I give my thoughts to You Jesus and think on things that are lovely, true, honest, pure, and of a good report!
I hope this blesses y'all! I love how God can work in any arena in anyone's lives! Even food!
Megan :)
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