Monday, February 6, 2012

Think on these things.

Proverbs 4:8 states that we should "think on things that are true, lovely, pure, honest, and of good report."
 Today really challenged me regarding this verse.

You see, for years on end I've dealt with body image issues, having been involved in almost every industry possible that is all about how you present yourself, aka looks.

Pastor James at Bethel (click the word Bethel for the media/video download) today talked about resisting temptation, which ties into lots of things that aren't just sensually based.  We can be addicted, and tempted by food as well, which is where I've struggled.  Food addiction is as serious as any other kind of addiction, because it can have serious repercussions on your life if not dealt with in a healthy, proper way.

You see, I work out 5-6 days a week and just by looking at me you would never in a million years think that I'd been going through this. I know this, and yet the problem has remained.

Food addiction happens when we put something above God and give IT first place in our lives.
-It's truly an amazing thing to realize when you lay it all out on the table, because I didn't see it for what it was for so long.
-In the Bible, it says that just ONE BIT of LIGHT outshines ALL darkness, and that darkness literally FLEES from anything that is light, aka anything of Satan FLEES from the things of God when we put them to use.
-Therefore, we are to use the Word of the Lord as our Ephesians 6 shield, sword, helmet, breastplate, belt, and shoes to equip us for the battle that Satan tries to bring upon us.
-God will NEVER allow us to be put in a situation we cannot handle.  And we only get into these situations because there is nasty, icky, awful SIN in this world and Satan likes to torment those who seek Good.

So what I am learning, is 2 things:

1) I should consider myself BLESSED (which I should do besides just for this reason) because Satan has chosen ME to pick on so harshly, telling me I'm fat and ugly every morning I wake up from the MINUTE I OPEN MY EYES because that means that I am a THREAT to him.  It means that I am pursuing RIGHTEOUSNESS with Jesus to find my ONE PATH that God had crafted for me since the beginning of time.  I consider myself LUCKY because the Bible says that we are to REJOICE in our weakness because HE HAS MADE US STRONG! No ifs, no ands no buts, He HAS, it is DONE, and who are we to think that OUR situation is so unique, and so different that it's above what God can do?
- I certainly know that I've thought this! I've whined and complained and gone back and forth letting the little stupid devil in my mind to talk to me tryin' to undo what the Word says about me.
-This is why it is SO important that we STAY STEADFAST IN THE WORD OF GOD! Every. Single. Day.
-Because if we are not PROGRESSING, we are REGRESSING, and idk about you but I don't want satan to have any power over anything regarding me, which he only can if I let him.
-The Word is literally spiritual food to our spirits.  When we build up our faith through reading the Word of the Almighty God, we are strengthening the walls of our mind to combat the WAR that goes on inside of us where Satan tries to tear us down.
-Ever heard "You're your own worst critic"? Well, that's because it's true. Satan tries to speak to YOU, in your OWN MIND, and ONLY YOU.

-Philipians 4:13
ALL THINGS. Your situation is NOT exempt.

-2 Cor 1:20
So don't fret, don't worry, and get PUMPED because He can do ALL things! Nothing that is a desire of your heart is too big! God wants to heal you! He's given His blessings to us we just have to receive and believe! With God all things are possible! (Matthew 19:26)

2) There is a way out. There really is.

What I've been doing is making sure that each and every day, I wake up, look myself in the mirror and say "Hello beautiful."
-Now, you may think this sounds awful crazy but it's speaking God's word over yourself without even knowing it.
-God created us in His OWN IMAGE AND OWN LIKENESS (Genesis 1:27). Do you really think God is ugly? NO! So neither are you. HE LIKES YOU! ^^

Also what I do is I stand and look myself directly in the eye and say "The joy of the Lord is my strength, my song, and my salvation." Sometimes I say it over again until I start to believe it. Again this may sound crazy but when you speak LIFE over yourself like we're meant to do, your body aligns with what you tell it to! What a concept! (Just like the Bible says)

On the contrary, this is why your body reacts negatively as well.
Thoughts become words, which become actions. Everything is connected and if we don't take thoughts captive the SECOND they come into our mind, it gets harder and harder to shield them off.  So build up your "shield of faith" (Ephesians 6) by pressing into the word, and speaking life over yourself straight looking into your own eyes until you really start to believe it.  It may be hard to believe but it will work!

I even speak over my metabolism.
-I pray "Lord, thank You that I am going to portion control today.  Food is NOT my god nor does it control my thoughts.  I thank You Father that my metabolism for the rest of my days here on earth is working faster and faster each day, burning up everything that I eat and more.  I do not fret or worry about food, nor does it consume my mind.  I give my thoughts to You Jesus and think on things that are lovely, true, honest, pure, and of a good report!

I hope this blesses y'all! I love how God can work in any arena in anyone's lives! Even food!

Megan :)

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