Saturday, October 29, 2011

With it.

Hey guys!

So I'm home again!
I love being with my family!
Here's a video to my latest commercial seminar performance!
I finally have a youtube account. :D I feel "with it". haha.

tell me what you think on twitter/facebook!
@megan_swanson on twitter or
Megan Swanson on FB! :)

<3 Megan :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011


October 23, 2011

There are no other words than "high" to describe how I'm feeling after this weekend with my sorority.
Now, before you start freaking out thinking that Megan has gone off the deep end, let me explain what I mean.

This weekend, I experienced over a full 24 hours with the SAME ~125ish people, in usually a confined space/area... and there wasn't one single big problem with anyone.  We all represented what sororities are actually supposed to look and act like, be like, represent.  I can't tell you guys who aren't in my sorority some specific activities we did... or if I can I just always feel like I can't because I'm breaking a rule of some sort, but I can tell you a few things!!!


1) I jumped off of a 33 foot platform called the fall of death or something, AND I RANG THE BELL. *pat myself on the back for that one*.  You basically climbed up a tree that swayed 1 1/2 feet either way as you were going up and had to somehow make yourself stand up while holding on to um... NOTHING.
Did I not mention the space you stood upon was literally the size of a shoebox?
You're harnassed in of course, but that's not helpful to the mind when you're suspended.
Anyways... I was the last to go in my group and it was instinctive, I knew I'd be sooo ticked at myself if I didn't do it.  And I was one of two people to ring the bell as you were jumping off (you tried to wack it with this short pool noodle lookin thing) and I felt prettttttty great.

2) I met soooooo many more of the actives this weekend and really got to know some more pledges AND actives.  In simple terms, I love every single girl in my sorority, for our differences, and omg mostly for our oddities.  I literally received a message from someone saying "Yae I'm so glad you're weird I haven't found a pack of weirdos to hang with in a while!"
Perfect for Megan? Um yes.

3) I got to experience Dunkin Donuts for the first time today.
This is good and bad.
Good, because everything there is DELICIOUS and they have free samps.
BAD because now I want it all the time and their vanilla chai tea is only $1.69 and tastes like heaven. Literally.
They also messed up my order and gave me a blueb muffin instead of a pumpkin one. Safe to say I got to keep both, without much convincing.

4) I am so incredibly proud to wear the AST letters... it's truly the best decision of my life.  These girls will be my bridesmaids, my sisters, my friends for life.  LOVE YOU AST!!

Megan :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 19, 2011

Hey everyone!

So it's only 10:52am and it's already been a FANTASTIC day!!
I'm currently reading this WONDERFUL book by Candace Cameron Cure, yes the "Candace Cameron" from "FULL HOUSE" the TV show.  She's an amaaaazing Christian woman and has really transformed the lives of many women through her books, lectures, etc...

The book is called "Reshaping it all", and if you know me at all, you've known that I've struggled with self image and being content with just all encompassing the way I look.  The book talks about Cameron's testimony of how through the entertainment industry, and marrying a Pro NHL Hockey player, she faced much adversity with feeling like she had to be perfect, and a toothpick.  She went through a short faze of bulimia (I've never had an eating disorder, I love food WAY too much) but then after, God showed up and really showed her how she should be living.

Through finding out who she is in Christ, I mean REALLY finding out and knowing how much God loves her, and each and every single one of us, she was able to look at weight loss in a healthy, manageable way, and has kept it off for over 15 years now! Her main points of focus are through focusing on the Word, and really putting your faith at the forefront and to the test, we will no longer look at food as something that controls us or that is constantly on our minds, but something that adds to our life as a supplement.  Also, one thing that has really stuck out to me so far is that when I think I'm hungry, I have to ask why am I hungry, and if I'm eating just to eat, because I'm bored, because I'm emotional... etc. It really put it into perspective for me.  Food shouldn't be something that you eat and eat and eat just because you feel like it's the one thing you can consistently have control over, aka my problem haha, but rather should be eaten when your body needs it to give you more energy and more fuel, in correct portions.
Wow run on sentences, sorry, haha.

So I'm starting on this new revelation.  It's making me focus more on the Lord and take my eyes off of myself, which is something that I've wanted for so long.  Eating until I'm satisfied, not full, and not just eating to eat but really stopping to think WHY?

Anyways... done with that rant.

I got my first presents today!!!
A BEAUTIFUL AST Wreath, and a basket full of frog stuff (our mascot) and a tshirt!!! :)
So adorable. I'm so happy and excited!!

Megan :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October 18, 2011

Hey readers,

So currently I'm sitting in the Omaha airport waiting for my plane to Atlanta, connecting to of course, Nashville.  It leaves in about ten minutes. Time to come "home" from fall break 2011.
It's been an amazing time.  I got to experience COTM again leading worship, and was fed by the Word and wonderful people all weekend!
Though I got to bed super late pretty much every single night, I got to sleep in my own bed which is always a blessing.  Praise God.
My mommy even cleaned my room meticulously so when I came home it looked like a hotel room!!!!!
Craziness, if you've ever seen my room on a regular basis. It's... not clean.

God has been really blessing me lately, in numerous ways for numerous reasons.
It is manifesting in my life that I don't have to worry about the future, or my music, or my career, because He's seriously got it ALL handled, even if I feel like I'm not doing enough.
"Fervent prayer avails much". So true.
I'm trusting God as the leader of my life to be my provider, healer, forgiver, Dad, lover, friend, companion... my everything, and it's so worth it.
He answers my cries and rejoices when I trust in Him.

When I am weak, He is ALWAYS Strong.
That's so comforting.

So anyways, Omahans, it's been wonderful spending quality time with y'all this weekend, and I wish I had more time!!!

I will see you all in 2 weeks! Hopefully. I'm here for literally like a day, haha.

Love you all!!

Megan :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 9, 2011 Sunday

So fail.  I haven't written in forever, sorry.  It was pre-midterm week, and if you ask any freshman at Belmont... I don't think any of us realized that Fall Break meant Midterms... it just meant going home! Haha. Silly us.

But that brings me to two points:
1) I THINK I only have one midterm... Theory II, which MAY kick my butt if I don't study.
(Mom/Dad if you're reading this don't worry I'm studying right after I post this... haha) Oh wait, and I guess Diction & Lit I do too, but I'm not worried about that. :D  I actually wrote my entire speech outline WHILE watching Food Network with the best roommate ever Camille Bridges.  We were unproductively productive; twas great.
It's so weird.  It's not like a "ahhh I'm dying and miserable because I'm homesick" kinda "I want to go home" way, but more of a "I WISH I COULD LIVE IN OMAHA AND NASHVILLE AND MAKE IT ONE CITY AT THE SAME TIME" type thing.  I love Nashville and literally everything about it; the people, the place, the atmosphere, the big city but extremely "Omaha-esque" feel about it.  I could totally see myself living here... but I can't imagine life w/o COTM too... it's so weird.
Anyways... to my church family, to my actual family... I love you soooo much and I cannot WAIT to worship with you all so very soon!

*Exciting news!!!!!*
I went to a church called Bethel World Outreach today, and LOVEDDDDDD IT! :) I've literally gone to 8 churches now since I've been here, and about 4 of them have been so CLOSE to what I would love to call home, but haven't been "it".  God didn't tell me "here Megan, this is where you're meant to be" at any of those places.  Then, I came to Bethel today and they had such focus on the Word, and community, not just people "punching a time card" like we say at COTM, and like they precisely said today as well.  They have a young women's group which meets AT BELMONT on Thursdays which I can totally go to, and we got hooked up with some amazing people who just genuinely wanted to get to know us.  Idk about Camille or Sarah Beth (whom I went with), but I sure loved it.  The worship was great too!

*not so exciting news*
My car still continues to die every time I don't drive it for like 2 days...
Going to get a "car jumper in a bag" tonight, and I'll get my alternator and fuse (overactive blinker) .... tbd. Soon. After break. Idk. gahhhhh yes just tbd.

*Sorority News!*
CRUSH was this weekend, and I had a lotttttttt of fun! :) For you all who have NO idea what I'm talking about, crush is the annual costume dance that AST, puts on; though most sororities do something similar.  The theme this year was "Noah's Ark", so every couple came in "2 by 2" animals!! It was sooo creative and awesome, I was a mouse. :)  I went with Jake Botts and it was a blast.  Here are some pictures:

others can be seen on my FB! :)

So yeah, that's basically life up-to-date for me!! :)

Again, if you all could be praying for me and my Theory midterm, as well as safe travels back to Home on Friday, it would be muchhh appreciated! :) Love you all!!

Megan :)