Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 9, 2011 Sunday

So fail.  I haven't written in forever, sorry.  It was pre-midterm week, and if you ask any freshman at Belmont... I don't think any of us realized that Fall Break meant Midterms... it just meant going home! Haha. Silly us.

But that brings me to two points:
1) I THINK I only have one midterm... Theory II, which MAY kick my butt if I don't study.
(Mom/Dad if you're reading this don't worry I'm studying right after I post this... haha) Oh wait, and I guess Diction & Lit I do too, but I'm not worried about that. :D  I actually wrote my entire speech outline WHILE watching Food Network with the best roommate ever Camille Bridges.  We were unproductively productive; twas great.
It's so weird.  It's not like a "ahhh I'm dying and miserable because I'm homesick" kinda "I want to go home" way, but more of a "I WISH I COULD LIVE IN OMAHA AND NASHVILLE AND MAKE IT ONE CITY AT THE SAME TIME" type thing.  I love Nashville and literally everything about it; the people, the place, the atmosphere, the big city but extremely "Omaha-esque" feel about it.  I could totally see myself living here... but I can't imagine life w/o COTM too... it's so weird.
Anyways... to my church family, to my actual family... I love you soooo much and I cannot WAIT to worship with you all so very soon!

*Exciting news!!!!!*
I went to a church called Bethel World Outreach today, and LOVEDDDDDD IT! :) I've literally gone to 8 churches now since I've been here, and about 4 of them have been so CLOSE to what I would love to call home, but haven't been "it".  God didn't tell me "here Megan, this is where you're meant to be" at any of those places.  Then, I came to Bethel today and they had such focus on the Word, and community, not just people "punching a time card" like we say at COTM, and like they precisely said today as well.  They have a young women's group which meets AT BELMONT on Thursdays which I can totally go to, and we got hooked up with some amazing people who just genuinely wanted to get to know us.  Idk about Camille or Sarah Beth (whom I went with), but I sure loved it.  The worship was great too!

*not so exciting news*
My car still continues to die every time I don't drive it for like 2 days...
Going to get a "car jumper in a bag" tonight, and I'll get my alternator and fuse (overactive blinker) .... tbd. Soon. After break. Idk. gahhhhh yes just tbd.

*Sorority News!*
CRUSH was this weekend, and I had a lotttttttt of fun! :) For you all who have NO idea what I'm talking about, crush is the annual costume dance that AST, puts on; though most sororities do something similar.  The theme this year was "Noah's Ark", so every couple came in "2 by 2" animals!! It was sooo creative and awesome, I was a mouse. :)  I went with Jake Botts and it was a blast.  Here are some pictures:

others can be seen on my FB! :)

So yeah, that's basically life up-to-date for me!! :)

Again, if you all could be praying for me and my Theory midterm, as well as safe travels back to Home on Friday, it would be muchhh appreciated! :) Love you all!!

Megan :)

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