Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 29, 2011

WOW! This week has gone by SO quickly! :) I can't believe it's already Thursday! This week has been to say the least, VERY busy.  I've gotten a lot of work done and have been very productive, and at times have also totally failed, but hey, everyone needs chill time.

I started my 11 day cleanse this week, and I haven't cheated. This is an extreme accomplishment for me, if you know me.  I am excited to get my eating back on track and not feel gross from dorm food all the time!!! :( Ick!

I just received my giant package of Isagenix materials, (literally, it was so hard to carry that box back to campus) along with a surprise my wonderful mother surprised me with! :) (Thank you)

I'm excited for tonight, it's AST's first social along with ATO, we're going fishing!
Then it's onto the Pembroke DATE AUCTION! :)
Wild things are to come; I'll make sure I take a video! :)

Blessings to everyone!

p.s. 1 Timothy 4 is a FANTASTIC book that improved my life today.
More to come on this later, if I remember to post. ;)

Megan :)

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