Friday, September 9, 2011

Dear Heron Hall Ladies,

Hello! My name is Megan Swanson, 18, and I live in 215 with Camille Bridges, another wonderful young lady. :)
I have always been an extremely goal-oriented person, and have constantly been looked upon as a leader for numerous reasons.  I'm an extremely grounded individual as far as faith, family, and friends go.  I work hard at everything I do, and I'm never one to go half way.  It's either a cannonball or not getting into the pool at all.
Growing up, I was constantly made fun of for being "too tall", "too skinny", too "this", too "that", and for a long time struggled finding the true me.  I give Jesus Christ 99.999999% the credit, along with my family and a few specific wonderful friends for helping me through the rough times.  I know first hand how it feels to feel like you don't matter, or that you don't belong, and if I were elected President of Heron Hall 2011-12, it is a big dream of mine to make sure that each girl is treated fairly and like the absolutely AMAZING young woman of God that they were created as.  I believe that every person on this earth, which means YOU reading this has a specific plan for their life, and that you were created ON purpose; not as an accident.  I want every girl to have the absolute BEST experience possible at Belmont, and help others out in any and every way that I can!

I am also very social, and try and walk around with constant positivity and a smile on my face.  I am a firm believer that a smile can make anyone's day.  You never know what someone is going through, and at any given moment, a smile could be the one glimmer of hope given to someone that pulls them out of the dark place they may be in.
That being said...
I want to help organize social events, get togethers, and hang out nights where we can all thoroughly and genuinely enjoy each other's company!  Whether it's ice skating or just a movie night, I feel it's very important to be there for one another in the best and the worst of times, rain (esp. in Nashville) or shine!  I want this Hall to be a place of safety and love, where we don't just live, but love to live!

Lastly, feel free to ask me any questions now, or at the Presidential Debate on Monday, September 12th!! :) I look forward to meeting each and every girl in Heron, and I can't wait for all the Lord has for our hall this upcoming year! :)

With love,

Megan :)
-Psalm 31

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Give her the reward she has earned,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."

p.s. check out this awesome website for encouraging Bible Verses for Women!
You are beautiful!! :)

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