Saturday, September 24, 2011

September 24, 2011

It's 2:43am, and I'm currently seated with Sarah Beth Lawson... in her room.
Tonight we went to Harrison's for his Birthdayyyyy! Big 20, and as Sarah said... you get to do everything you got to do LAST year woooo! 

Sorry but more importantly, yesterday was my BIG BROTHER IAN'S BIRTHDAY!! WOOOOOOOOO! He's also 20, and it's super weird he's totally not a teenager anymore! Ahhhh!

I had a very stressful week, and have been doing homework all day every day pretty much all the time, but hey.  This is what I signed up for right?! :)  I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow! I'm trying to get my eating habits back under control... officially starting tomorrow because tonight I had tooooo many Gigi's cupcakes. YUM!!! 

Shout outs to Ian for successfully being older,
Mom, Dad and Allie. Y'all I've heard are rocking the Isagenix and Dad you've been running like a madman! :)
I'm so excited to come home!!! 3 more weeks! :)

Megan :)

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