Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sorry I haven't posted in forever.

Hey readers!

So... it's been I think nearly 2 weeks since my last (and first) post. Sorry.  I've been getting acclimated with my new surroundings and spend pretty much all my time doing SOMETHING here around campus.  If not, you may find me running to target, doing homework, sleeping, or eating.
Labor Day weekend was wonderful.  Got some much needed rest, stayed up until 6am accidentally. (It always seems to be 6am when it's unintentional, thank you Stef Faull for being so interesting to talk to and funny in the Heron Lobby) shopping with my awesome suitemates Deanna & Victoria (best suitemates EVER) and hanging out with friends! :)
Unfortunately, I've had like nooo time to write music recently. That's a bit frustrating. So I'm going to start PUTTING it into my schedule; making it a part of my day! It's weird, I feel like I miss music, even though I'm constantly immersed in it; just in a different way.
We freshman have finally experienced the "Nashville Rain", thanks to hurricanes in the East, and it has been such for the past 3 days.  It's so weird, we have noooo warning.  Literally, Saturday it was 100 degrees and sunny, then Tuesday was murky and rainy and cold!!!! :(
Today: 56 degrees and raining non-stop. :( Sadness.

Well... it's time for yet another class. Life of a music major... :)

Verses that inspired me today:
Colossians 2 (all of it)
Eph 4:14-20
Heb 6:12-15
Psalm 34:10

:D Yae Jesus!!

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