Friday, September 9, 2011

Dear Readers,

I'm so proud of myself, I'm posting twice in this crazy week!
What's been going on:
-I've decided to run for Heron Hall President.
-I completed a 2 page single spaced paper on someone I'd never heard of. It's the best paper I've ever written and took forever.
-I grew in my faith, and am loving Jesus more and more each day!
-Brent forgot the "boy bolt" and I felt like a delinquent getting written up. But Keturah is luckily the coolest RD ever and "forgave me" haha.
-I got 3 parking tickets because I parked in front of the elevator accidentally. But I prayed and asked God for favor in which He definitely came through. $150 worth of coming through for me. GO GOD!
- I had an amazing talk with a young man that impacted my life this week. It's amazing how people can surprise you.
-I finally got my piano piece of the week down! #it'sthelittlethings.
- I had a mental breakdown a bit, and my awesome suitemates wouldn't let me have a pity party for more than like 5 minutes.  Their way of cheering me up: Shopping and an extreeeeeeeeemely nice hand written letter!
-Sorry for the 5 people I need to write letters back to! #workingonit! :)
-I went hard core in Group Games. It's the best gym class ever. #notevenkidding.
-Rush is tonight, I'm soooo excited! :)
-I ordered my rainboots and have talked to my precious, wonderful mommy every day this week.
-I continue to love Belmont more and more each day!

Love you all,

<3 Megan. :)

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