Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011

Well folks, it's been a whirlwind of a week.

I literally don't feel like I've had a single moment to breathe.

Classes are getting harder and harder, and it would be very easy to feel like the walls are caving in.

I can't imagine doing college alone, without Jesus.  There's enough pressure to make you quit college in like 2 weeks. Especially at Belmont.

I tried writing music today. I feel like there's just that huge wall between the Lord and I, and I'm striving to tear it down! So if you're reading this, that's definitely something you can pray for me about!
Don't worry, I'm still in the Word everyday, and pray, but gahhh the busy-ness tries to creep in at every moment.
Talk about using the shield of faith.

On the bright side, I visited my roommate's church "Word of Faith" and LOVED it! :) The people were so welcoming, and I could definitely see myself going there. I'm still looking for my home though... trying 2 more churches in the following weeks; I want to find a college group that I can become really close to like at home!!!

COTM & Swansons, it's only 3 weeks until I'm home! I can't wait to worship our Great God with everyone and hug you all!!

Lots of Love!

Megan :)

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