Friday, September 16, 2011


TGIF. This weekend has been really, really stressful! I'm so incredibly glad it's finally Friday, I can't even comprehend relaxation right now.  But anyways, it's been a good week...! I'm currently hanging out with my awesome suitemate Deanna Roberts, after we skyped Nhu, which was of course hilarious and great.

I got to skype my college & career group tonight!! Wooo! I loved it. I miss you guys soooo much and I can't wait to see you in 5 weeks! :)  I feel your prayers and your thoughts. Feel free to write me letters and send me food remember!

This is kind of a fail of a post, I really have no idea what to talk about...
The Christian Showcase is tomorrow though, which is super exciting!!! :)

Ok..... goodnight. :D

Megan :)

p.s. this is what happens in Deanna's room:

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