Monday, January 16, 2012

Frustration with a class.

Haha. This is what I'm turning into my teacher for class.         
I have an opinion. #sorryimnotsorry

:D Go Jesus. I will stick up for You.

   I am going to be completely honest here.  Reading the book “The Old Testament Story” doesn’t make me very happy.  I’m a Pastors kid, and I’ve grown up with very strong views on most everything involving the Bible, Jesus, God… religion in general.  (I have personally taken that upon myself to want to know more about the Bible… it wasn’t shoved down my throat by any means.)
            I don’t like at ALL how the author writes the book (OTS) as if he’s speculative to anything regarding Christianity (which yes, you warned us about) because as I’m reading it I feel as if it’s bashing Christianity if anything.  It’s almost as if they’re TRYING to make you doubt that Christianity could be 100% true, which really makes me sad and a little bit angry.  I just don’t think someone has the right to tell you that something didn’t concretely happen, if you really believe that it did.  I know there may not be sound one-hundred-percent perfect evidence of each and everything written down that happened, but hey, isn’t that where faith comes in?
            I have an interesting view when it comes to how, when, where, and by whom the Old Testament was produced.  I’ve been reading the Bible every single day (to the best of my ability) since around 8th grade, and I absolutely love it.  I don’t read it as a “religious act” to try and please God, but solely because I know as a Christian the Word says for us to renew our minds continuously with the Word (Hebrews 12:2) so that’s what I’m gonna do, or else God can’t get the blessings to us! (Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God Romans 10:17… I could quote all day with scriptures to back that up… but that’s beside the point of this paragraph.) So what does this have to do with who, when, where, and how it was written? Well… my Bible at the beginning of each book tells me who wrote it, approximately where and when it was written, and that’s honestly sufficient for me.  I think it’s immature and unnecessary to get caught up in the minute details of pure OPINION of who, what, where, when, how… and I’d rather spend time reading God’s Word and with the Big Guy Upstairs who has so heavily transformed my life than argue about when, where, or who wrote it.  Again I may sound narrow minded, but I’m just being completely honest.  I think too often in society today people are SO wrapped up with “religion, religion, religion” and aren’t concerned enough with the fact that God wants to help us in every arena of our life and light our path that He has made just for us so we can prosper and be the best “us” we can be!  Instead of the minute details that people have argued about for centuries, I’d like to go up to them and ask them what God’s done in their life lately, and see if they’re even doing something productive in their spiritual walk with Him.  And I apologize if that sounds super pias or judgmental.  Not my intention.  I just genuinely want what’s best for people and it saddens me when I feel as though people are missing the POINT.  I know what God has done in my life and although I certainly don’t have the worst life, I know that there are DEFINITELY things that I could NOT have overcome without Jesus. So the details of who, where, when, and how the Old Testament was written are about as important to me as is skydiving is to someone terrified of heights. Ok… that was a bit extreme…
            Bottom line is, I believe the Bible is the Bible. I personally read the NKJV and if you read NIV, cool at least you’re reading the Bible.  My Bible may say Moses wrote Exodus, and yours may say 15 different people wrote it.  At least that means you cared enough to open the greatest book of all time, which is more than we can say for a lot of people.
            So no, I don’t think there is much that is going to change my mind about how I view the development of the Old Testament, although I am very interested so far to read and learn about the “two views” of Genesis.  I think it’s really interesting because I definitely fit with one of the two, and that’s cool that people have recognized that there very well are two ways to think about it.  So maybe during the course of this class some minute details could change about how I view the OT; (my eyes could be opened in a way where I simply just had never heard of a certain explanation of something,) but as far as my foundation and deepest beliefs, I don’t foresee those changing.

-And that's what she wrote.

<3 Megan :)

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