Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The first day

December 13, 2011,

Today has been monumental, and it's only 12:48pm.

God is so good, why do I ever doubt?

I woke up this morning (after going to bed at 4 am catching up with my "brothers" from church whom I hadn't seen in FOREVER, whoops) to go to my first day of personal training!
Now, most people would dread this fact, dread the thought of working out, sweating, lunges, burning legs and arms, but I'm a rare breed when it comes to working out.  I enjoy it, because I know it's doing something positive for my body.  But as someone who works out 6/7 days a week (usually, I'm not perfect by ANY means) I felt as though I was out of options and stuck in a rut of monotony of switching between running outside, playing basketball, etc.

So.  10 o'clock came and I got to work.  By 11 my thighs and arms were burning, I was sweaty, and I was satisfied with the workout.  I was also happy to hear that I didn't have to work out for 2 hours to burn the necessary calories to help reach my weight goal.  As a music major, this is absolutely MUSIC TO MY EARS, (Legitimately no pun intended there) because I literally have no time as it is, even though I make time to workout.  I'm very excited to be working with my trainer, Kyler, 3 times a week over this winter break. I'll keep ya posted.

So, contrariwise then I came home and the stupid devil tried to get into my thoughts, telling me I was ugly, fat, unloved, etc... the usual of what he does to girls.  So after coming to my mother tearing up and feeling sorry for myself over that, along with a number on the scale that I will not post on the internet, we began to sort out my feelings, and she began to be the best mom ever, like usual.

It literally ended up being one of the most amazing hours of my life.  My mom really opened up about some struggles with self-image issues she went through in college and how I truly am not alone, she promises.  God really opened up my heart to be receptive and not reject her love and advice like I had done in years past (because I was so unhappy with myself) and it was a really healing moment.

Side note- *My mom and I have a very healthy, loving relationship, I just get ornery sometimes and don't like to hear advice I just want to wallow and be negative.*

Anyways.  We talked for a whole hour, and after both crying I felt so much better, and am absolutely looking up toward these next 4 weeks of eating extremely healthily, cutting out all sugar and dairy, and trusting God for results.

In Jesus Name,

Megan :)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It's been a while...

December 7, 2011

Hey readers. So sorry this last month has been absolutely ridiculously busy, and honestly, I've just forgotten to post.  Where do I begin.

Let's start with Thanksgiving... I had an amazing time at home with my family! :) I love them so much and I can't believe it was 2 weeks ago already.  Things here in Nashville move so quickly! It was so wonderful to be home and have some great home cooking, sleep in my own bed, spend time writing and recording. God is so good!

I've been playing basketball 3 times a week with all the boys here at Belmont.  They call it "noonball".  I've kind of had to prove myself as a player, but it's been a great challenge.  Having never really played 1) with a guys sized ball (29.5 as opposed to a Womens 28.5) my shot has to get used to it every time, but I score at least a couple times and just try and rock people with picks and such.  And it's a good thing I can run.

God has also blessed me with some new friends in my life.  I won't name specific names on here, but He's good literally ALL the time.  I'm really putting my faith out there and learning to get my feet deeper and deeper into the water of trusting Him with everything, giving my innermost struggles to Him and laying them down at the foot of the cross. Nothing is impossible, and Nothing can't be accomplished through Jesus.  Easier said than done, yes, but every day is a step.

Also, Christmas at Belmont was this week and it was AMAAAAAAZING. WOW.  400 some singers and like 20 different groups singing with a full orchestra, even dancers! Belmont is amazing, and sorry, there's no school like us.  There's a reason it's on national television. Airing on PBS Christmas Eve at 7pm Central Time. WATCH IT ITS SO WORTH IT. I literally cried during a couple groups, and I know others did too, even though I'd heard those groups before and knew the people.  
Oh, and nbd but... LAURA BELL BUNDY was our host.  We got to meet her, she performed. She's fabulous. OH, and she has a Chihuahua dog that I'm 99.9% sure was the dog they used when she was Elle in Legally Blonde. For those of you who are like who the heck is she? She was the FIRST Elle on Broadway of Legally Blonde the musical. SHE CAN SANG.

Lastly, it's finals week and today is "dead day", though campus couldn't feel more alive. We had a pancake night put on by university ministries and it seemed like all of campus showed up! It was awesome!!! :) 

p.s. God has given me the first 5 songs of my album. I couldn't be more excited!!!!!
p.s.s. God is really teaching me not to worry about "the right boy", and to just focus on becoming the best me I can be first, and then just trusting that "he" will come when the time is right. Thank the Lord I have well.. the Lord on my side who is working all that out so I don't have to. 


Megan :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

God is SO GOOD

November 4th, 2011

Before you read, check out the official youtube video of the day!

From Church on the Move Omaha's worship service 3 weeks! :)
Amazing Kari Jobe Song: "You are Good"

So whoever said God wasn't good is the biggest liar on the face of the Earth.

It's Friday, and I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how amazingly HUGE God has moved in my life this week.  From the outside eye, it may not look like much, but if you've followed this blog before you know that I've been going through little struggles the devil tries to put in my way to see if I'll turn to him instead of my Great Lord Jesus.  It didn't and never WILL work.
So God thing #1. Wow can I even remember back this far? There has literally been at least one every single day.
Let's start with... Tuesday shall we? Well. Tuesday was my AWESOME BIG BRITTANY'S Birthday!!! Wooooo! So that was a God thing.  She's 20, and flourishing if I do say so myself.  She has been SUCH a blessing in my life spiritually, emotionally, and in every way and it's only been what... 2 weeks since she's been my big? If that?
For all of you whom don't speak "sorority", a "BIG" is someone who is in your sorority and basically serves as yo mama for the next... well... the rest of your life.  They're a mentor to guide you through college, be your shoulder to cry on, late night ice cream buddy, or just someone to talk to.  And in my case!!! I'm SO lucky because she LOVES Jesus SO much with ALL her heart so we can connect spiritually as well and hold each other accountable!
And did I mention she's a photographer... hello album cover!? :)
Love you Brittany Marshall!!! :)

Oh! And I completely forgot. Tuesday night was the panel discussion about the "common book" we freshman all had to read at Belmont this year called "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks". It's a long story but basically her cells completely changed the course of human history and science for literally EVER, and her family wasn't compensated and STILL isn't compensated one bit for it.  That's the SUPER short version.  and Henrietta's (whom is deceased) son Sonny Lacks WAS HERE AT BELMONT!!!! It was SO cool to see a character in the book who after having read his ENTIRE LIFE basically was right in front of you in the same room!! SUCH A BLESSING!

Then LASTLY, I went to Bongo to get some coffee with my best friend Sarah Beth... woo! And then went to the library to study.  Although little studying happened because Sarah and I have ENTIRELY too much fun together... *cough... and Sarah was on sporcle the whole time* God really moved that night.  Because..... about an hour into "studying" my good friend and sister in Christ Lindsay showed up with her friend CAROLINE! We ended up watching sappy AMAZING wedding proposal videos like this one:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=1BE0fI9oUcM
literally if you don't cry you don't have a soul. Sorry.
and pinning on PINTEREST ALL NIGHT LONG! Laughing too, which is illegal in the Library.
Anyways... new friends are always a blessing! God is GOOD! Especially when you find out Caroline had been in your same Theory class all semester but we sat on opposite sides of the room so we never noticed. #fail. bahaha.

So now let's move to Wednesday.
Wednesdays are literally ALWAYS crazy.
I have 6 classes. Enough said.
But I ended up only having 5 because the last Oratorio meeting was at 3pm and only lasted like 10 minutes!!! Woooo done with Oratorio! People might ask... "ok Megan what the heck that's not a blessing how God moved in your life... we all knew it wouldn't last long." But excuuuuuse me? You can't tell me what a blessing in my life is! Shoot. Hehe. ;) I had an extra hour and 50 minutes to do what I pleased with!! That IS A BLESSING!
THEN! I had the MOST amazing night.

So! What was originally a "Family dinner" (Sorority thing.) turned out to be a night at Sweet Cece's!! Woo FroYo! :) With Kelly, Brittany, Ashton, Lindsay, and Alexis! :) THEN! I had to get groceries so my AUNT ASHTON and I went to Whole Foods! (YUMMY) and got some DIN DIN and then some groceries! LOOOOOONG Story short, now Wednesday night is our "Ashton and Megan date night" where we'll get fresh groceries that are pleasing to our bodies and good for them, while getting to fellowship and talk about JESUS!!! :) Which we DID. All night.  For a "Baby Christian" (Ashton has only been saved for 6 months) she is one of the most SPIRITUALLY ON FIRE people for Christ you will EVER MEET, and I'm obsessed with it!
-Meeting cute boys who ring up your groceries who are hipster-ish and ask you about your life or stare at you while you pick out granola isn't a negative either. ;) tehehe.


Thursday... was just great. I've been in the Word of God SO much and it's really paying off! I've learned to look at my eating habits as not just pass/fail but just as "ok, does my body need to be nourished right now?" And it's changing my life.  And if I do eat late at night sometimes, or have the occasional froyo with my sisters, it doesn't mean I've failed, it just means I need to try to do better the next day.  Since I'm a bit of a perfectionist this can be REALLY hard, but through Christ Jesus and Him alone, He can RENEW my strength, especially my inner strength (aka shutting down my thoughts and helping me focus on Him and not myself) I can heal. And I AM! :)

Woah. Last night was phenomenal.
First it was Bethel Women's Bible Study, circa Moriah's room. AMAZING. I love you girls. Love this Bible Study. Interested? Ask me it's AMAZING! :)
Then... I spontaneously went to the Jon Foreman concert!! Woooo! (With the fabulous Taylor) and it was GREAT. Ended up meeting some GREAT NEW FRIENDS! Possible band mates? Who knows. AND I MET JON FOREMAN TWICE AND THEN HE FOLLOWED US TO CAFE COCO AND WE TALKED TO HIM FOR A WHILE!
Then his whole band, wife, and team sat right by us for like 2 hours.

Then I went to bed at 2, and only had one class today.


Blessings to you readers!

In Him,
Megan :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

With it.

Hey guys!

So I'm home again!
I love being with my family!
Here's a video to my latest commercial seminar performance!
I finally have a youtube account. :D I feel "with it". haha.


tell me what you think on twitter/facebook!
@megan_swanson on twitter or
Megan Swanson on FB! :)

<3 Megan :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011


October 23, 2011

There are no other words than "high" to describe how I'm feeling after this weekend with my sorority.
Now, before you start freaking out thinking that Megan has gone off the deep end, let me explain what I mean.

This weekend, I experienced over a full 24 hours with the SAME ~125ish people, in usually a confined space/area... and there wasn't one single big problem with anyone.  We all represented what sororities are actually supposed to look and act like, be like, represent.  I can't tell you guys who aren't in my sorority some specific activities we did... or if I can I just always feel like I can't because I'm breaking a rule of some sort, but I can tell you a few things!!!


1) I jumped off of a 33 foot platform called the fall of death or something, AND I RANG THE BELL. *pat myself on the back for that one*.  You basically climbed up a tree that swayed 1 1/2 feet either way as you were going up and had to somehow make yourself stand up while holding on to um... NOTHING.
Did I not mention the space you stood upon was literally the size of a shoebox?
You're harnassed in of course, but that's not helpful to the mind when you're suspended.
Anyways... I was the last to go in my group and it was instinctive, I knew I'd be sooo ticked at myself if I didn't do it.  And I was one of two people to ring the bell as you were jumping off (you tried to wack it with this short pool noodle lookin thing) and I felt prettttttty great.

2) I met soooooo many more of the actives this weekend and really got to know some more pledges AND actives.  In simple terms, I love every single girl in my sorority, for our differences, and omg mostly for our oddities.  I literally received a message from someone saying "Yae I'm so glad you're weird I haven't found a pack of weirdos to hang with in a while!"
Perfect for Megan? Um yes.

3) I got to experience Dunkin Donuts for the first time today.
This is good and bad.
Good, because everything there is DELICIOUS and they have free samps.
BAD because now I want it all the time and their vanilla chai tea is only $1.69 and tastes like heaven. Literally.
They also messed up my order and gave me a blueb muffin instead of a pumpkin one. Safe to say I got to keep both, without much convincing.

4) I am so incredibly proud to wear the AST letters... it's truly the best decision of my life.  These girls will be my bridesmaids, my sisters, my friends for life.  LOVE YOU AST!!

Megan :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

October 19, 2011

Hey everyone!

So it's only 10:52am and it's already been a FANTASTIC day!!
I'm currently reading this WONDERFUL book by Candace Cameron Cure, yes the "Candace Cameron" from "FULL HOUSE" the TV show.  She's an amaaaazing Christian woman and has really transformed the lives of many women through her books, lectures, etc...

The book is called "Reshaping it all", and if you know me at all, you've known that I've struggled with self image and being content with just all encompassing the way I look.  The book talks about Cameron's testimony of how through the entertainment industry, and marrying a Pro NHL Hockey player, she faced much adversity with feeling like she had to be perfect, and a toothpick.  She went through a short faze of bulimia (I've never had an eating disorder, I love food WAY too much) but then after, God showed up and really showed her how she should be living.

Through finding out who she is in Christ, I mean REALLY finding out and knowing how much God loves her, and each and every single one of us, she was able to look at weight loss in a healthy, manageable way, and has kept it off for over 15 years now! Her main points of focus are through focusing on the Word, and really putting your faith at the forefront and to the test, we will no longer look at food as something that controls us or that is constantly on our minds, but something that adds to our life as a supplement.  Also, one thing that has really stuck out to me so far is that when I think I'm hungry, I have to ask why am I hungry, and if I'm eating just to eat, because I'm bored, because I'm emotional... etc. It really put it into perspective for me.  Food shouldn't be something that you eat and eat and eat just because you feel like it's the one thing you can consistently have control over, aka my problem haha, but rather should be eaten when your body needs it to give you more energy and more fuel, in correct portions.
Wow run on sentences, sorry, haha.

So I'm starting on this new revelation.  It's making me focus more on the Lord and take my eyes off of myself, which is something that I've wanted for so long.  Eating until I'm satisfied, not full, and not just eating to eat but really stopping to think WHY?

Anyways... done with that rant.

I got my first presents today!!!
A BEAUTIFUL AST Wreath, and a basket full of frog stuff (our mascot) and a tshirt!!! :)
So adorable. I'm so happy and excited!!

Megan :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

October 18, 2011

Hey readers,

So currently I'm sitting in the Omaha airport waiting for my plane to Atlanta, connecting to of course, Nashville.  It leaves in about ten minutes. Time to come "home" from fall break 2011.
It's been an amazing time.  I got to experience COTM again leading worship, and was fed by the Word and wonderful people all weekend!
Though I got to bed super late pretty much every single night, I got to sleep in my own bed which is always a blessing.  Praise God.
My mommy even cleaned my room meticulously so when I came home it looked like a hotel room!!!!!
Craziness, if you've ever seen my room on a regular basis. It's... not clean.

God has been really blessing me lately, in numerous ways for numerous reasons.
It is manifesting in my life that I don't have to worry about the future, or my music, or my career, because He's seriously got it ALL handled, even if I feel like I'm not doing enough.
"Fervent prayer avails much". So true.
I'm trusting God as the leader of my life to be my provider, healer, forgiver, Dad, lover, friend, companion... my everything, and it's so worth it.
He answers my cries and rejoices when I trust in Him.

When I am weak, He is ALWAYS Strong.
That's so comforting.

So anyways, Omahans, it's been wonderful spending quality time with y'all this weekend, and I wish I had more time!!!

I will see you all in 2 weeks! Hopefully. I'm here for literally like a day, haha.

Love you all!!

Megan :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

October 9, 2011 Sunday

So fail.  I haven't written in forever, sorry.  It was pre-midterm week, and if you ask any freshman at Belmont... I don't think any of us realized that Fall Break meant Midterms... it just meant going home! Haha. Silly us.

But that brings me to two points:
1) I THINK I only have one midterm... Theory II, which MAY kick my butt if I don't study.
(Mom/Dad if you're reading this don't worry I'm studying right after I post this... haha) Oh wait, and I guess Diction & Lit I do too, but I'm not worried about that. :D  I actually wrote my entire speech outline WHILE watching Food Network with the best roommate ever Camille Bridges.  We were unproductively productive; twas great.
It's so weird.  It's not like a "ahhh I'm dying and miserable because I'm homesick" kinda "I want to go home" way, but more of a "I WISH I COULD LIVE IN OMAHA AND NASHVILLE AND MAKE IT ONE CITY AT THE SAME TIME" type thing.  I love Nashville and literally everything about it; the people, the place, the atmosphere, the big city but extremely "Omaha-esque" feel about it.  I could totally see myself living here... but I can't imagine life w/o COTM too... it's so weird.
Anyways... to my church family, to my actual family... I love you soooo much and I cannot WAIT to worship with you all so very soon!

*Exciting news!!!!!*
I went to a church called Bethel World Outreach today, and LOVEDDDDDD IT! :) I've literally gone to 8 churches now since I've been here, and about 4 of them have been so CLOSE to what I would love to call home, but haven't been "it".  God didn't tell me "here Megan, this is where you're meant to be" at any of those places.  Then, I came to Bethel today and they had such focus on the Word, and community, not just people "punching a time card" like we say at COTM, and like they precisely said today as well.  They have a young women's group which meets AT BELMONT on Thursdays which I can totally go to, and we got hooked up with some amazing people who just genuinely wanted to get to know us.  Idk about Camille or Sarah Beth (whom I went with), but I sure loved it.  The worship was great too!

*not so exciting news*
My car still continues to die every time I don't drive it for like 2 days...
Going to get a "car jumper in a bag" tonight, and I'll get my alternator and fuse (overactive blinker) .... tbd. Soon. After break. Idk. gahhhhh yes just tbd.

*Sorority News!*
CRUSH was this weekend, and I had a lotttttttt of fun! :) For you all who have NO idea what I'm talking about, crush is the annual costume dance that AST, puts on; though most sororities do something similar.  The theme this year was "Noah's Ark", so every couple came in "2 by 2" animals!! It was sooo creative and awesome, I was a mouse. :)  I went with Jake Botts and it was a blast.  Here are some pictures:

others can be seen on my FB! :)

So yeah, that's basically life up-to-date for me!! :)

Again, if you all could be praying for me and my Theory midterm, as well as safe travels back to Home on Friday, it would be muchhh appreciated! :) Love you all!!

Megan :)

Thursday, September 29, 2011

September 29, 2011

WOW! This week has gone by SO quickly! :) I can't believe it's already Thursday! This week has been to say the least, VERY busy.  I've gotten a lot of work done and have been very productive, and at times have also totally failed, but hey, everyone needs chill time.

I started my 11 day cleanse this week, and I haven't cheated. This is an extreme accomplishment for me, if you know me.  I am excited to get my eating back on track and not feel gross from dorm food all the time!!! :( Ick!

I just received my giant package of Isagenix materials, (literally, it was so hard to carry that box back to campus) along with a surprise my wonderful mother surprised me with! :) (Thank you)

I'm excited for tonight, it's AST's first social along with ATO, we're going fishing!
Then it's onto the Pembroke DATE AUCTION! :)
Wild things are to come; I'll make sure I take a video! :)

Blessings to everyone!

p.s. 1 Timothy 4 is a FANTASTIC book that improved my life today.
More to come on this later, if I remember to post. ;)

Megan :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

September 25, 2011

Well folks, it's been a whirlwind of a week.

I literally don't feel like I've had a single moment to breathe.

Classes are getting harder and harder, and it would be very easy to feel like the walls are caving in.

I can't imagine doing college alone, without Jesus.  There's enough pressure to make you quit college in like 2 weeks. Especially at Belmont.

I tried writing music today. I feel like there's just that huge wall between the Lord and I, and I'm striving to tear it down! So if you're reading this, that's definitely something you can pray for me about!
Don't worry, I'm still in the Word everyday, and pray, but gahhh the busy-ness tries to creep in at every moment.
Talk about using the shield of faith.

On the bright side, I visited my roommate's church "Word of Faith" and LOVED it! :) The people were so welcoming, and I could definitely see myself going there. I'm still looking for my home though... trying 2 more churches in the following weeks; I want to find a college group that I can become really close to like at home!!!

COTM & Swansons, it's only 3 weeks until I'm home! I can't wait to worship our Great God with everyone and hug you all!!

Lots of Love!

Megan :)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

September 24, 2011

It's 2:43am, and I'm currently seated with Sarah Beth Lawson... in her room.
Tonight we went to Harrison's for his Birthdayyyyy! Big 20, and as Sarah said... you get to do everything you got to do LAST year woooo! 

Sorry but more importantly, yesterday was my BIG BROTHER IAN'S BIRTHDAY!! WOOOOOOOOO! He's also 20, and it's super weird he's totally not a teenager anymore! Ahhhh!

I had a very stressful week, and have been doing homework all day every day pretty much all the time, but hey.  This is what I signed up for right?! :)  I'm looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow! I'm trying to get my eating habits back under control... officially starting tomorrow because tonight I had tooooo many Gigi's cupcakes. YUM!!! 

Shout outs to Ian for successfully being older,
Mom, Dad and Allie. Y'all I've heard are rocking the Isagenix and Dad you've been running like a madman! :)
I'm so excited to come home!!! 3 more weeks! :)

Megan :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Sup Readers,

Today, though it's only 11:36 AM, and it's RAINING outside, has been a PHENOMENAL DAY! I really don't know why considering the 2 things above, and I had 2 classes today already, but maybe it's because Monday is one of 2 days a week I have a chill class schedule. Maybe. Idk. And I feel like I've been productive.  I practiced piano AND voice already, and I'm about to go work out, woo!

I hope my rain boots come in the mail today.  I'll for sure upload a picture of them when I get them. So pumped.
Also, I'm excited because I ordered CORDUROYS online!!! I've literally wanted these pants for.... 3 years now, and I always remember that I want them too late in the fall season, so all the talls are completely sold out. booooooo. :( But yae for J. Crew! Hopefully they fit.
p.s. I think the mail people think I forgot literally everything at home, because I get a package like 2 times a week it seems...
Sorry.... life of a music major, I have to order something like every DAY!

I was officially "pinned" for AST last night and I'm soooo excited! I just found out my new anchor sister for the week, Daron, and I'm pumped to hang out with another potential "BIG"!!! :)

God is blessing me so much here.  I try and spend as much time as I can with Him, and although I'm just a freshman and it's a bit overwhelming here pretty much all the time, He's given me continual strength and meaning, and I know I'll never give up!

And now, for the fellows back home...

Hey Omahan's,

I'm officially ONE MONTH from coming home!! :) Y'all (yes, I say that now) will get to meet 4 of my closest friends from here, and I'm sooo excited! They're all super musical too like me, (of course, it's Belmont), and I think they might be playing in the worship band.  Maybe. Tentatively. We'll see.
I'm SOOO excited every time I hear about COTM I hear great things like growth, support, and just the continual love we all have for each other.  I miss you all SOOOOOO incredibly much ahhhh! Thank goodness for PT's sermons online!!! (Pastor Tony if you didn't catch that. ;))

Prayer Requests:
1) Please be praying for my church home here, I still haven't found where I belong and I'm getting anxiousssss!
2) Please be praying for Godly, wonderful "guy friends".  I know they're out there, but we girls have had trouble finding guys who love Jesus as much and even more than we do! It's important to have brothers in Christ who can be there to love and protect you as your friends, just like the ones we all have at home! I miss you COTM brothers!
3) Stress management and SLEEP.  I have trouble with the whole "actually going to bed" part, even though I LOVE sleeping.  I'm a total night owl, so... that's something I'm definitely working on.  Like, getting to bed before 12 would be an accomplishment. Tehehe.

Can't wait to see everyone!!!

Love you all!

<3 Megan :)

p.s. FOR MOMMA SWAN- I've been whitening my teeth! I've done it twice so far!!! Be proud of me, hehe. :D

Sean, Julie, Ian, Allie. I miss you and love you all so much! Can't wait for October! :) :) :) :) :)
beware: my friends are crazy, just like we are. :D

Friday, September 16, 2011


TGIF. This weekend has been really, really stressful! I'm so incredibly glad it's finally Friday, I can't even comprehend relaxation right now.  But anyways, it's been a good week...! I'm currently hanging out with my awesome suitemate Deanna Roberts, after we skyped Nhu, which was of course hilarious and great.

I got to skype my college & career group tonight!! Wooo! I loved it. I miss you guys soooo much and I can't wait to see you in 5 weeks! :)  I feel your prayers and your thoughts. Feel free to write me letters and send me food remember!

This is kind of a fail of a post, I really have no idea what to talk about...
The Christian Showcase is tomorrow though, which is super exciting!!! :)

Ok..... goodnight. :D

Megan :)

p.s. this is what happens in Deanna's room:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

5th post!

Wow. Exciting.  This weekend was INSANE in the membrane.
After talking to women for literally 3 hours.... for 3 days in a ROW!
The Lord provides, and I am so incredibly glad that AST (Alpha Sigma Tau) exists!
I never thought that I would be in a sorority. Ever.
But this sisterhood is TRUE, and REAL, and NOT all about just partying or saying you're in a sorority.
It's amazing and genuine, and I'm so extremely excited!!

I'm sitting in the first meeting; it's just getting out.

Yae for AST!!! Love you all sisters for life!

<3 Megan :)

Friday, September 9, 2011

Dear Heron Hall Ladies,

Hello! My name is Megan Swanson, 18, and I live in 215 with Camille Bridges, another wonderful young lady. :)
I have always been an extremely goal-oriented person, and have constantly been looked upon as a leader for numerous reasons.  I'm an extremely grounded individual as far as faith, family, and friends go.  I work hard at everything I do, and I'm never one to go half way.  It's either a cannonball or not getting into the pool at all.
Growing up, I was constantly made fun of for being "too tall", "too skinny", too "this", too "that", and for a long time struggled finding the true me.  I give Jesus Christ 99.999999% the credit, along with my family and a few specific wonderful friends for helping me through the rough times.  I know first hand how it feels to feel like you don't matter, or that you don't belong, and if I were elected President of Heron Hall 2011-12, it is a big dream of mine to make sure that each girl is treated fairly and like the absolutely AMAZING young woman of God that they were created as.  I believe that every person on this earth, which means YOU reading this has a specific plan for their life, and that you were created ON purpose; not as an accident.  I want every girl to have the absolute BEST experience possible at Belmont, and help others out in any and every way that I can!

I am also very social, and try and walk around with constant positivity and a smile on my face.  I am a firm believer that a smile can make anyone's day.  You never know what someone is going through, and at any given moment, a smile could be the one glimmer of hope given to someone that pulls them out of the dark place they may be in.
That being said...
I want to help organize social events, get togethers, and hang out nights where we can all thoroughly and genuinely enjoy each other's company!  Whether it's ice skating or just a movie night, I feel it's very important to be there for one another in the best and the worst of times, rain (esp. in Nashville) or shine!  I want this Hall to be a place of safety and love, where we don't just live, but love to live!

Lastly, feel free to ask me any questions now, or at the Presidential Debate on Monday, September 12th!! :) I look forward to meeting each and every girl in Heron, and I can't wait for all the Lord has for our hall this upcoming year! :)

With love,

Megan :)
-Psalm 31

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Give her the reward she has earned,
and let her works bring her praise at the city gate."

p.s. check out this awesome website for encouraging Bible Verses for Women!
You are beautiful!! :)


Dear Readers,

I'm so proud of myself, I'm posting twice in this crazy week!
What's been going on:
-I've decided to run for Heron Hall President.
-I completed a 2 page single spaced paper on someone I'd never heard of. It's the best paper I've ever written and took forever.
-I grew in my faith, and am loving Jesus more and more each day!
-Brent forgot the "boy bolt" and I felt like a delinquent getting written up. But Keturah is luckily the coolest RD ever and "forgave me" haha.
-I got 3 parking tickets because I parked in front of the elevator accidentally. But I prayed and asked God for favor in which He definitely came through. $150 worth of coming through for me. GO GOD!
- I had an amazing talk with a young man that impacted my life this week. It's amazing how people can surprise you.
-I finally got my piano piece of the week down! #it'sthelittlethings.
- I had a mental breakdown a bit, and my awesome suitemates wouldn't let me have a pity party for more than like 5 minutes.  Their way of cheering me up: Shopping and an extreeeeeeeeemely nice hand written letter!
-Sorry for the 5 people I need to write letters back to! #workingonit! :)
-I went hard core in Group Games. It's the best gym class ever. #notevenkidding.
-Rush is tonight, I'm soooo excited! :)
-I ordered my rainboots and have talked to my precious, wonderful mommy every day this week.
-I continue to love Belmont more and more each day!

Love you all,

<3 Megan. :)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sorry I haven't posted in forever.

Hey readers!

So... it's been I think nearly 2 weeks since my last (and first) post. Sorry.  I've been getting acclimated with my new surroundings and spend pretty much all my time doing SOMETHING here around campus.  If not, you may find me running to target, doing homework, sleeping, or eating.
Labor Day weekend was wonderful.  Got some much needed rest, stayed up until 6am accidentally. (It always seems to be 6am when it's unintentional, thank you Stef Faull for being so interesting to talk to and funny in the Heron Lobby) shopping with my awesome suitemates Deanna & Victoria (best suitemates EVER) and hanging out with friends! :)
Unfortunately, I've had like nooo time to write music recently. That's a bit frustrating. So I'm going to start PUTTING it into my schedule; making it a part of my day! It's weird, I feel like I miss music, even though I'm constantly immersed in it; just in a different way.
We freshman have finally experienced the "Nashville Rain", thanks to hurricanes in the East, and it has been such for the past 3 days.  It's so weird, we have noooo warning.  Literally, Saturday it was 100 degrees and sunny, then Tuesday was murky and rainy and cold!!!! :(
Today: 56 degrees and raining non-stop. :( Sadness.

Well... it's time for yet another class. Life of a music major... :)

Verses that inspired me today:
Colossians 2 (all of it)
Eph 4:14-20
Heb 6:12-15
Psalm 34:10

:D Yae Jesus!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

First Day

Well. Here I go. Here is my blog, and here you will read and experience some of my innermost thoughts, feelings, and ideas.

Today was the first day of college.  At Belmont University.  Notice this distinction.  People told me being a music major would be hard, but... I never knew THIS hard. I mean, it's day 1 for crying out loud!
5 classes spanning from 8 am to 5 pm is tough, with only 2 hours of break in between.  All music. All the time. Now. I'm really not COMPLAINING, I promise. This is what I've wanted to do my whole life, and it's finally here.  I'm so privileged to be here, to have gotten here, I wouldn't give it up for anything.
a teacher telling you on the first day that your major is pointless and that he personally favors majors that "can put food on the table," to me, is a bit rough.
-But it's not gonna scare me, not gonna bring me down.

For all reading this... I would love it if y'all could send me some suggestions of popular music I could sing for my seminar class! It can be literally ANYTHING that's NOT classical OR Musical Theatre! I'd love your comments! :) It can be from any genre, any time period, (within reason). :)

So needless to say, today was a day for Phillipans 4:13.   "I CAN [and am determined to] do ALL things through CHRIST, [and Christ alone] who strengthens me."
I always knew there was a reason this was my favorite verse.

So hello world, whoever may be reading this.  I am on the journey of the rest of my life, and I am prepared to conquer the world with my Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior and my Guide.
He strengthens me to be all that I am, and all I will be in the future, and I cannot even BEGIN to imagine life without the Lord.

Also, skype is the best invention in college. I love you family! :) Thanks for talking!

I love you Jesus,
thank You for everything now, and all that You will solely be the reason I overcome the things of the future...

Amen, and Goodnight!

Megan :)

Day 1.
August 24. 2011